Soccorso Stradale Simeone Service

Via Fontanavecchia, SNC - 81030 Cellole (CE)

Soccorso Stradale Simeone Service

Via Fontanavecchia, SNC - 81030 Cellole (CE)

No rating

La Simeone Service si occupa di soccorso stradale 24h su 24h, trasporto veicoli in tutta Italia, recupero veicoli sinistrati, rimessaggio caravan, deposito custodito, servizio noleggio con conducente di auto e minivan

Information and Services

La Simeone Service si occupa di soccorso stradale 24h su 24h, trasporto veicoli in tutta Italia, recupero veicoli sinistrati, rimessaggio caravan, deposito custodito, servizio noleggio con conducente di auto e minivan

Morning Afternoon
Monday 08:00 - 12:30 13:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 12:30 13:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 12:30 15:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 12:30 15:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 12:30 15:00 - 19:00
Saturday 09:00 - 12:30 15:00 - 19:00
Sunday 09:00 - 12:30 15:00 - 19:00
Soccorso Stradale Simeone

A partire da - 50.00
Autosoccorso Simeone Service

A partire da - 50.00
Categories of vehicles
Services for Veicoli Commerciali
Services for Furgone
Services for Pullman
Services for Camion
Services for Camion Elettrico
Services for Rimorchio
Services for Semirimorchio
Services for Movimento Terra
Services for Cingolato
Services for Sollevatore
Services for Imbarcazione
Services for Moto d’Acqua
Services for Gommone
Services for Motoscafo
Services for Yachting
Services for Barca Commerciale
Legal assistance - Mobile crane - Tow truck - Recovery on motorway - Round the clock service
With driver
Car pound - Collection at home
International - National - Specials - Vehicles
Hand wash
Mobile workshop
Collection of used items - Scrapping
Foodstuffs - Animals - Perishable - Flammable - International - National - Taxi Service - Specials - Vehicles
International - National
Foodstuffs - Animals - Perishable - Exceptional - Flammable - International - National - Specials - Vehicles
Foodstuffs - Animals - Perishable - Exceptional - Flammable - International - National - Specials - Vehicles
Foodstuffs - Animals - Perishable - Exceptional - Flammable - International - National - Specials - Vehicles
Foodstuffs - Animals - Perishable - Exceptional - Flammable - International - National - Specials - Vehicles
Legal assistance - Mobile crane - Tow truck - Round the clock service
Car pound - Collection at home
Mobile workshop
Collection of used items - Scrapping
Legal assistance - Mobile crane - Tow truck - Round the clock service
Car pound - Collection at home
Collection of used items - Scrapping
Car pound - Collection at home
Collection of used items - Scrapping
Car pound - Collection on site
Collection of used items - Scrapping
Collection on site - Disposal
Car pound - Collection on site
Car pound - Collection on site
Collection of used items
Car pound - Collection on site


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