The Internet is radically and rapidly changing many aspects. One of the most important is certainly the digitization of car dealers and dealers.

Many years have passed since the Internet was introduced into "common use". Before it was simply a way to communicate between different universities, but it has progressively gained a lot of success within the lives of all of us. Every day, we use the internet to get information and stay up to date on what's new in the world.

It is therefore not surprising how the internet has radically changed several markets. We are not simply talking about the birth of electronic commerce, but also about the other realities that are currently already active.

If a new technology enters a market, it clearly modifies it and rewrites its fundamental aspects. Even the Automotive market has obtained important and strategic innovations within it, thanks to the internet.

The auto market is progressively moving towards the web. A fundamental aspect is obviously the sale, which in Italy is slightly behind compared to abroad.

If we look at the data relating to the new generations, the latter prefer more on-line shopping with experiences of virtual reality as well. Obviously the world is diverse, and in the United States of America, in particular, the trend is very different.

Automotive giants such as Ford, in fact, have decided to sell online and this is a fact that must certainly be taken into consideration within our beautiful country.

The digitization of car dealers and dealers is therefore a topic that has been getting a lot of debate in recent years.

Unfortunately, however, the web presence in the Automotive market is marked by data that are still not up to par with the expectations of the Automotive manufacturers and other industrial countries.

The web presence of a dealer is no longer a luxury. Instead, it concerns the fundamental development of a business and the consolidation that every dealer and retailer should do.

In over 90% of cases, in fact, people search for cars from the web, as a first step of interest. These people also get a whole range of information, to then define the ultimate decision to buy the car.

In many cases, in the new generations, there is also a tendency to buy the car directly through online systems. The other generations are not yet completely in line with this aspect, however, but it is also to be considered how in the future, probably, there will be a turning point in it.

Still on this area, we must think in the area of communication. If the new generations work more and more with the web, they should be able to buy a medium online. To do this, we therefore think that the latter must receive an ad hoc communication.

Communication is fundamental, as it also characterizes the way of experiencing the car and the sensations that are transmitted.

A dealership, which is increasingly protracted towards the future, must therefore consider a dedicated web communication, in order to satisfy the needs of customers.

Digitization is really important for the automotive sector, as it is an unprecedented change. This is basically a competitive advantage over other dealers in the area, but also dealers who are active nationally.

Developing a clear and defined communication at the local, but potentially national level, allows you to be easily recognizable by people. This digitization process is definitely irreversible and therefore allows us to gain ground against competitors.

Suffice it to see the Automotive communication concept created by Tesla. At first, Tesla knew it few, but now everyone knows it, because it was able to define the new rules of communication and position electric cars, well made, in a convincing and resolute way.

It is therefore also a concept of sustainability, not only environmental, but also economic. The new generations are very attentive to environmental sustainability and to environmental protection issues.

These last aspects are fundamental parameters for dealerships, which must be able to embrace the subject, without having to ride the wave in a tedious way. We always remember that the European Commission plans to ban the sale of polluting cars from 2035.

Therefore, observing the complex automotive reality, we cannot be absolutely unprepared in a few years, within the digital turning point. In addition to fuels and electric cars, therefore, there is a whole process that must be carried out properly, by the dealers, in order to align the sales process with EU and international standards.

This huge opportunity for automotive companies could also push concretely and be pushed, in turn, by the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience PNRR. Investments in digitization are a pillar of this plan, and cannot be overlooked, also given the precarious general economic situation.

Through tax credits, it will also be possible to obtain benefits on the economic side for the same concessionaire.

In this article, we wanted to define a route that every single dealership should follow in order to have a clear and evident need to renew its digitization process.

The dealerships, on the other hand, are shrinking in terms of numbers compared to a few years ago and are usually merging into large groups of dealers.

These maxi groups, however, must be able to intercept people who currently want to buy a car online. About 15% of Italians are currently willing to buy a car online via the web.

This is clearly an expanding figure. A fact therefore to keep in mind, to be constantly updated. The change will clearly not be in the short term. To completely replace the Automotive Showroom, it will take years, but it could still integrate it in an important and definitive way.

People can probably visit the Showroom, but make the purchase through online channels. The shopping experience, therefore, changes, and the seller may not be psychologically obliged to immediately conclude the sale phase.

This is how even the training of a salesperson can also change, to go into detail and be more prepared in empathic relationships with people.

While it may seem like something very subtle, it is nevertheless a very important aspect. The customer perceives remarkably how a seller has an immediate interest in selling, rather than in informing and entrusting the customer to the web for the purchase.

It is therefore a very broad process that observes a radical modification of the whole Automotive reality.

The data we have listed above are clearly provisional, but they are a current photograph of Italy. As we said before, within other countries such as the United States of America, people usually happily buy a car online.

Ford was one of the largest automotive companies, which completely revolutionized the way of manufacturing. One of his decisions, in a field of car production, must therefore be kept in careful analysis for what concerns the future.

In the end, we are in a decidedly connected world and the uses and habits of a certain geographical area are really part of the future of the uses and customs of the other geographical areas of the world.

Therefore, the habit of Americans to buy cars completely online will most likely soon arrive in Italy. The final advice is therefore to carry out a process of revolution within the Italian dealerships, in order to be a leader in terms of timing and positioning in this area.

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