In this article, we will analyze the risk factors that may exist in daily work in the workshop, both in the vehicle acceptance phase and during processing.

As we all know, every workplace is subject to potential injuries. Those who work in the workshop are always in close contact with materials, liquids and gears of various kinds. As a direct result, he is clearly subject to a potential risk of injury.

The first piece of advice we want to give to prevent accidents concerns the accidental closing of the bonnet. Each vehicle is equipped with a support rod, which prevents any accidental closing of the bonnet. Let's make sure we've positioned it very well. In the event that we notice problems, the advice is to use additional supports. Nothing simpler and nothing more immediate to achieve.

We now come to the second piece of advice, or the potential exposure to fumes and hot parts. For this aspect, we recommend wearing type A respiratory protection masks and capturing the exhaust gases, using suction hoses. In this way, it will be possible to extract the gases and fumes and avoid dangerous exposure to people. To avoid contact with hot parts, obviously the advice is to always wear high quality gloves.

During the phase of disassembling the petrol pump, or the gas tank, let's not forget that there is the danger of explosion or fire. In fact, we must make sure, before carrying out this operation, that the battery is completely disconnected (i.e. the ignition is off and the key is not inserted). In this way, we will drastically reduce the risk of explosion during the operation.

As we all know, analyzing the specific engine can require some portable electric lamps. Our advice is to use very low safety voltage lamps, i.e. 24v. In the event that we use lamps with a cable, we try to obtain an adequate location of the electrical sockets, with respect to the operating areas. We also avoid having cables scattered along the workshop, using cable winding devices with springs for automatic rewinding. In this way, we will be able to avoid any hassle during the inspection phase.

During the inspection phase, we also try to always ensure correct air exchange, in order to prevent the formation of explosive atmospheres. The air exchange vents must have the right operating speed in order to guarantee the right air exchange.

In the event that we decide to inspect the vehicle through the pit, we must verify that the electrical system of the pit is equipped with suitability, in relation to the power supply of the vehicles that can be repaired.

If diesel, the CEI 64-8/7 standard applies, while if petrol or LPG, the CEI 31-30 standard applies.

Any lamps for emergency lighting must obviously have similar construction characteristics, while the walls must be covered with a light-colored and easily washable waterproof material.

The workshop may clearly have openings in the floor: these must be properly marked. We must provide lateral grooves along the edges, suitable for receiving folding railings or other devices. In this way, we are able to avoid important and serious accidents in the workplace.

The last piece of advice we want to give is correct posture. The foreman or owner must always inform and train the workers on correct postures. In fact, let's avoid positioning ourselves forward for extended times, or staying for a long time with the arms raised above the shoulders.

The consequences can be very painful and even lead to absence from work for a few days. It is therefore a behavior that could also affect the correct rotation of orders and the assignment of jobs within the workshop. The correct general health of our employees also depends on correct posture, which cannot therefore be overshadowed by other precautions.

The advice we have reported here are just some of the main precautions that must be followed by every mechanic during their daily activity.

However, the activities of the mechanic are endless. Inspecting a vehicle, but also working inside the engine or the mechanical parts of the vehicle, in fact requires a large amount of safety devices and attention.

Simply changing a fluid, such as an oil change, might seem like a trivial procedure, but it shouldn't be undermined in its importance. Even simply changing a tire could be considered a "normal and peaceful procedure", but correct posture is a fundamental factor.

The advice therefore is to always pay the utmost attention during the vehicle acceptance and management phase. In this way, by carrying out all the indications that we have reported in this article, every single mechanic will be able to work in the best way.

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